Shifting Your Thinking Toward the Best Possible Outcome

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately…

Above the line and below the line thinking…
We often have the best intentions…
But our minds take us below the line…
Meaning, our minds put fears and worries…

It’s a habit…
Most people, including myself, worry…
Well what if this happens and what if that happens…

I was speaking with my coach the other day and he asked me this question…
Are you thinking above the line or below the line?
Above the line thinking is keeping your mind focused on the best possible outcome.
Your below the line thinking brings in worries and fears that cause you to stall.

What’s the application here?

Think about life’s possibilities and where you intend for life and situations to go.
Then, what is the best possible outcome?
Acknowledge that there may be some hiccups, but tell yourself that will be okay.
And get yourself back to the neutral thought of the best possible outcome.

Hope this helps you!

Onward and upward!

Live Full-Fueled and start LIVING BEYOND LIMITS! 🧨🚀

Matt Tack & Dr. Alfred Alessi

Workout of the week:

Warmup (3 Rounds):
1 minute jump rope followed by 20 lunges
(Can be weighted)

Workout (3 Rounds):
20 KB Deadlift High Pulls
30 KB Swings
40 Flutter Kicks with an engaged core
50 Toe Taps with an elevated step

¼ Mile Bike or Run


or to participate.